Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog Not For Sale!

After some careful thinking (and several very lucrative offers from soulless media conglomerates) I've decided that I'll be damned if I let this noble blog fall into the wrinkly old hands and balls of Rupert Murdoch and become just another gilded feather in his weird old hat made of money. You heard me, I won't be taken hostage by corporate greed and artistic sloth. *And/or any of the other supposedly deadly sins that I can think of. Gout. I think gout is one of them.

Anyway, I've decided to accept my offer of staying on to run things here at The Chronic', and by tomorrow we should be back to business as usual. Which, of course means providing sensible counterpoint to the lunacy that passes for blogging over at Cusp of Bore-mal. I'm here to help, folks.

(I love you honey bunny.)

Blog for Sale!

Looking back on the many happy minutes I've spent running The Barnacle Chronicles, it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the site is up for sale! It simply isn't generating the income I expected. When bidding, please take into account the near rhymey-ness of the title, and the colorful dots that are just everywhere on this thing. Also, I am willing to include the picture of Amanda at Long John Silver's for no additional charge. Let the bidding begin!

Welcome to my Blog!

OMG!!! This the best blog evarrrrrr! Read all about my chronic *what* cles!

